Al Qaeda .0 nuclear purpose of Pakistan strategy


Bonds of terrorists of the mother and the victim's family

Al Qaeda .0 nuclear purpose of Pakistan strategy Today of years ago from now, the whole world was shocked. I passenger plane has crashed into a building that can be called NY symbol. September 11 attacks. About 000 deaths. It had caused the incident international terrorist organization Al Qaeda, led by ... Osama bin Laden. Then, unheard of trial there by the arrest of a person's terrorist organization that caused this incident has taken place. There was a thought that a mother of terrorists of the mother and the victim is there. Man stick to the handling of jumbo jet Months ago of 00 years terrorism occurs, Minneapolis. Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda had promoted a certain preparation. A member of the organization, Morocco-based French Zacharias Musa Huy (). Arrived in the United States, this guy had done was to enroll ... to the flight school of the private sector. This school is mainly pilot is used in such as updates and new models of training of license facility. Here Moussaoui received a training from the foundation.

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