Al Qaeda .0 nuclear purpose of Pakistan strategy


Al Qaeda .0 nuclear purpose of Pakistan strategy

Al Qaeda .0 nuclear purpose of Pakistan strategy ||| al-Qaeda .0 Pakistan strategy of nuclear purposes ||| d0_.jpg Taliban forces play revival in Afghanistan and Pakistan border area Internal factional strife of terrorist groups around the al-Qaeda No. Aruzawahiri Internal struggle of the Egyptian faction and Libya faction On the one hand, the uncontrolled ego and singing praises of Zawahiri, Libya faction seems to be fed up. [Libya faction has criticized the too he (Zawahiri) is too extremists. Zawahiri in order to convey the words of bin Laden, only to have appeared in the media] and Faruki muttered to bitterness up. [To seek (refer to the leader / bin Laden) is not is yet appointed anyone to the successor, only the media of the United States government and international information, Libya faction that only is called arbitrarily underboss the Zawahiri It is claiming I have] Faruki told the actual situation this way. Battle for Al Qaeda's Strategic Soul . Tensions between Egyptian and Libyan factions By Sami Yousafzai + Ron Moreau | Newsweek - World News | Translation by ysbee JULY 0, 00 issue -.

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